You may not be such as a failure as you may think. From what you have written for us, your children sound great. It is not easy to raise 3 children in these times. Also, you care for their well being by encouraging them not to use the computers due to the porn. If things do get worse, i suggest that you talk to your third "partner". If this does not work, for your sake and for the children i suggest that you move out. Are there any other reasons that you feel that you are a failure?
truth about the last days
JoinedPosts by truth about the last days
Feel like a failure
by love2Bworldly ini feel like an emotional wreck right now.
i am on my way to a third divorce.
i can't put up with my spouse for much longer, he's so dysfunctional.
by deda inif a spouse has been unfaithful and a legal divorce has been finalized is the marriage over in the church's eyes?
i've been told by the elders that i must witness the adultry or provide two witnesses that can speak to the adultry.
my ex-spouse will never confess to his past or current sexual acts.
truth about the last days
I would like to give an answer, but first your marriage with your spouse, have either one of you been married before? And please tell us the history of marriages on both sides, it will help greatly.
by luna2 inokay, so this isn't long-term (i hope) horrible depression, just....a bad couple of days.
i'm taking suggestions on how to pull out of it.
truth about the last days
Hearing a good joke helps! Did you hear about the man who walked into a bar? he did"nt half hurt himself!!!! Did you hear that he walked into another bar? Wot an idiot!! And as the song goes, "Don"t worry....Be happy!" (now whistle the tune!)
help and advice needed plz
by confused-n-abused inhello,im 14 years old and i am a jehovahs witness.i have done research after things happened that didnt make sense to sister has been disfellowshiped and is now out of the organization married wth 2 brother stopped going to the meetings and is engaged to be married to a non wittness in march of other brother has been reading apostate material and now doesnt believe this is the right religion and is very confused as am mother is a avid witness was baptized in 1975 and pioneered for a while in the 80's.i love my mom very much,but i know this isnt the right religion and i want not baptized but i was born in the truth so im on the ministry school and everything and im an unbaptized publisher.when my mom finnally finds out im leaving the truth it will break her heart as she really believes this is the right religion,and shes already had 3 kids do can i leave without breaking her heart?i would stick it out for the next 3or4 years,just for her,but i really dont want to.plz help me figure things out.
truth about the last days
It is good that you have your mums feelings at heart. As as your mum is a faithful JW, it would be good to use what is written in the scriptures as a source of hope. Prov 14:5 states "A faithful witness is one that will not lie, but a false witness launches forth mere lies.". Now, as a starting point, just to let you know that many of us here has found out that the date for the destruction of the first temple did not happen in 607BCE, as all the publications has stated. You can show her from the recent publications this point of 607BCE. And being 14 yrs of age, school studing is a must for your future. You then look up the date in ANY reference book available and show her what all resorces show that the date for the destruction of the temple was in fact 587/586BCE. It does not matter where you look, the evidence is there. (except from MOST of the WT books and mags.) Do your reserch on this matter, and show her your findings. I have just written to my mum, and i have put forward to her a question, "does she want me to go back to attend regular meetings and lie about the date of 607BCE and then be destroyed by Jesus when he comes for that 1000YR reign, or does she want me to tell the truth that the date is 587/586BCE and be saved? I sent the question to her this morning and i am waiting for a reply. To be a JW, it is obvious that I would have to say 607BCE. Now, according to the scripture above, a "FAITHFUL witness" does not lie! So, you can ask her if she wants you to be faithful to the Most High by telling the truth, or to be unfaithful to the Most High God- by lieing by stating that the Temple fell in 607BCE. This would put the "ball in her court". But, you must do your reserch on this subject FIRST, and then show her the evidence. To start you off, look up "Lachish Letters" that has been held in the British Musium on the website which were found in 1935. Even the brother that was behind the infomation that was in the "Aid to Bible Understanding" (before Insight Books) knew the correct date, but was under pressure of expulsion from Brooklyn, NY and inserted the 607 instead of the true date of 587/586BCE. All info is on the website under "Jehovahs Witnesses". By using this as a starting point, she will (or might) understand your decision for not being a JW. Happy hunting!
Who really has the "TRUTH"???
by architect ineven if all else looks bad, due to the fact that jw's preach the goodnews of the kingdom in harmony with matt 28, doesn't this make them the true religion since technically no other religion can make this claim?
truth about the last days
Belive it or not, with the Holy Spirit with me- I have the Truth! With lots of studying i know EXACTLY what is going on in the world. But of course, we do not know everything. In relation to the scripture in Matt 28:18 onwards, it states from that time on that authority was given him to say to the Apostals to make "diciples of peoples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy spirit". NWT I remember when i was baptized I was NOT baptized in the name of the "Father and of the son or the holy spirit" but i had to answer some questions on the day of my baptisim, starting with "Do you...". Then the scripture continues "TEACHING them to observe all the things that I have commanded you". So, this "teaching" was all about "observing" what Jesus commanded his Apostles. Once we learned as to what those "commands" are, we also apply these to our lives and to tell others as to what Jesus commanded his Apostles. Only this can be done from what the scriptures say, and not to what we think or heresay. Another scripture that needs pondering over, is Matt 24:14. It is written, "And this good news or the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." NWT It is true to say today that the good news is being preached mainly by JWs, but the scripture does not say as to if the witnessing would be done by good people or bad people. We may natually assume that it would be good persons doing the work,but as we know it is mainly done by those ones who wishes to lie about certern things in the process of the preaching work. And as we know, the "preaching of the Kingdom" also needs to be also done during that 1000yr reign, and even after that when Saten is let "loosed after a little while" the preaching would also have to be done to those ones of the Resserection of the "unrighteous ones". And then, the scripture does state that the "end will come". This is when the "Resurection of the rightous" ones will take place, as these ones names are written in the "book of life".
Do you still refer to God as Jehovah?
by nomoreTRUTHplz ini am curious if anyone still calls their god jehovah.
when i think of jehovah all i can think of is what they taught me.
it was true at first i felt a much more personal and stronger relationship with god when giving him a name, however certain things they taught forced me to see him as a cold and unloving god.
truth about the last days
Since from finding out that C.T.Russell was a Freemason from the evidence from the WT "Proclaimers" book, I decided to look at the subject of Freemasons. I did not realise that it it a HUGE subject to look at. Anyway, I did find out that the name "Jehovah" is a very important name to them as it is part of their Supreme Being- part of a trinity god named "JAHBULON". Comprising of Jehovah, Osiris and Baal. Also seeing that King James was also a Freemason, when King James created his version of the Bible into english, he may have inserted the name "Jehovah" instead of Yahweh or Lord, ect. Also, through translations, the name Yahweh may or may not be the correct spelling of the name of God. This is why and wiser to say and to refer to the Most High as "the Most High God". By the reference to this term was done even before the Isrealites demanded a name for their God. Even the tetragramaton YHWH that has been written on walls, stained windows or relics, I am not personally sure if this gives reference to a true God or a false one. The Most High God is the BEST way of addressing Him- just to be safe.
by bubble ini've been disfellowshipped for 4 years now (for loose conduct - lol) .
what i want to know is, what am i supposed to believe now?
i was brought up a jw but i know that so many of their teachings and doctrines are completely false.
truth about the last days
Dear Bubble. I can understand your delema as to what to believe now. I can only encourage you to re-cap over those Bible examples of Jesus, Job, John the Baptizer, ect. These ones, at one time or another were alone in their worship to the Most High God. Joseph was another example. Even though all these ones lived different lives to each other, they all were good examples of how they STILL worshipped the true God. Some of us on this DB are in the same situation, living to worship the true God but we are individually alone. One thing that he requires of us is to speak the truth ALL of the time. As we all know the scripture, that "liers will not inherit Gods Kingdom". There is some good in all religions, as well as some bad. It would be good if we all keep up with our studies on all Bible matters so we can determin as to what is true or not. Once we have found a truth on a certern subject, what is there to stop us from telling others. The main goal is to please the only True God, and not to please any man or false god. I have been spending a lot of time on many subjects these past few months with intrest. Such as 607 v 587/586BCE. And finding about the Freemasons and the connections to the WT society. I often wondered why we had a WT symbol on all the books and mags when in the scriptures it does state that all true worshippers should NOT have any symbol to represent the true invisable God. I have just found out that the WT symbol is also used on the Freemasons Lodge of England- meaning that the WT symbol is a Freemason symbol that started with C.T.Russel.Keep on studying and improve your relationship to the Most High God. Another intrest is that the books and mags have been putting subliminal faces and images within the publications for the reason of inserting fear in our minds and hearts so as not to displease the Governing Body. These subliminal "items" are in EVERY book (from the 1970s)(not the concordance) and most of the WTs and Awakes. There are more in the WT than the Awakes so as when we tell the brothers of what we know, they will put up a barrier to what is been said to be what is truth. And the funny thing about it is that it is NOT apostacy if i show a subliminal item from the WT to the brothers! I wonder what else we will learn in the future? Take care!
pressure to get baptized!!
by rockkchick30 inhi ive been studying for 2 years and i feel really under pressure to make a move and get baptized!!!
i attended all meetings and live my life according to the way jehovah's requests, (as best i can) i feel a bit lost and under pressure!!!
any advice is more than welcome
truth about the last days
It would be good to let them know and remind them that baptisim is a very serious step to make. If you get baptised as a catholic then you are a catholic from that moment on. So, too if you get baptised as a Jehovahs Witness, they you are bound by the teachings that have been taught. On numerous times all over the web site that only the JWs say it was 607BCE that the first Temple was destroyed, whereas ALL evidence says it was 586BCE that the temple was destroyed. If you get baptised as a JW, then you would have to lie and say it was 607BCE. And we also know that the name Jehovah is not really the name given to the Most High God according to a couple of their publications that they have printed. One of the closest names given is Yahweh.(YHWH) So, the title given you-Jehovahs Witness- will give you the false impression that it is Gods name. My indepth studies about the Freemasons from the websites indicates that the name Jehovah came from them, as it is part of their trinity supreme being. So, you being baptised as a JW is really saying that you are willing to worship part of a Freemason trinity- Jehovah, Baal and Osris. According to the websites, King James was also a Freemason and could of inserted the name Jehovah as a replacement for either Yahweh or Lord. Most of the Bibles today- including the NWT, are offshoots of his version. Whatever your choice, make it wisely as it will greatly affect your future.And a scripture for those to consider is in 1 John 4:1, where it states "DO NOT believe in every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see if they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." Do not let anyone, including yourself, pressure you to be baptised or not, but i can only encourage you to keep studing and to throw out any lies that you have found out- from the KH and also from any website.
should I disassociate myself or wait to get disfellowshipped?
by Mrs.Congeniality inmy closes friend asked me today if her and her husband should just go ahead and write a letter of disassociation or wait to be df.
many months ago i talked with them about 607, etc.
all the things i was finding out.
truth about the last days
I am in a similar case as you have mentioned. Here is how it is looked at from both angles. It all depends on if you care about the other brothers that you have gone fond of over the years, and how you will be able to witnesses to them of the things that you have found out and to help them reailise of the lies that they have been asked to say by the books and mags. The scripture does say that "liers will NOT inherit Gods Kingdom". So, if they keep on lieing (such as the 607BCE subject), they will not inherit Gods Kingdom. So, i would suggest- like me- NOT to disassociate yourself. If you do, they will win by saying that YOU decided not to mix with them anymore.This will then give them room to ask you as to why you have not been going to the meetings.They may not come to visit you at home, but time to time go to the meeting and they will welcome you as you have not been going for a long time. If you have evidence of what you are saying to be true, then it would be a difficult time for the Elders to dissfellowship you according to the dissfellowshipping forms that they have to fill out.But if you were to argue over subjects such as the trinity- then they will have reason to disfellowship you on the grounds of apostacy. What ever you do, do not give them good reason to disfellowship you. What i did was to show them from the watchtower may 15 2004 frount cover which has a devilish creature with a fang. The main heading is "You Can Make God Rejoice", and i asked them if it is the god on the cover that we are supposed to make rejoyce or it is the Most high God that we should make rejoice. I spoke to them also about the 607bce date, and they did not even want to look it up in one of many reference books apon the date. When they left, they were talking about forming a judicual commitee, and that was about a couple of months ago. The Holy Spirit has let me know that i should not go back there to the kingdom hall, and as i am moving to "town to town" soon, i will attend a couple more meetings in my local congregation then move on. As long as you use reliable books and also show them when you see them from the WTBTS books and mags, they cannot say that you are an apostate.The subliminal faces and figures are in all the mags and books that have been printed since the 1970s. Carefull study of them in the pictures proves to be very intresting- thats if you like puzzle books where one has to find hidden items. So, be careful as to how you deal with your life.It could turn out that you may not need to do either choice, and you may even be able to save their lives in the process. By stopping them from continually saying lies.
Who REALLY is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by drew sagan inreally, who the hell is it?
faithful slave = governing body and the nethinim .
i'm not going into any kind of deep explanation about christian stewardship, or what the account really means.
truth about the last days
Intresting question! According to Matt 24 from verse 45 from the KJV says "faithful and wise servent" instead of "faithful and descreet slave". There is a lot of difference between "slave" and "servent". A "slave" does not get much reward from their services, whereas a "servent" gets his reward in full from day one of his or her services towards their boss or master. And also a "servent" is willing to do their services for the one who they are serving. The scripture in Matt 24:45 onwards is formed into a QUESTION- and it is not a statement. So, by this, no one actually knows as to WHO is a faithful servent- except Jesus apon his return for that 1000YR reign.See verse 46. You or I could say that we are a faithful and wise servent- but when Jesus arrives we may not be in his eyes. Or, on the other "side of the coin" we could say that we are not a "faithful and wise servent, but when Jesus arrives he will be pleased with our actions to allow us to enter that 1000yr reign. So, it is all down to Jesus if he accepts us or not. If he does NOT accept us, then we fall in the catergory that is mentioned in verse 48 as a "evil slave". So, we all need to do our best and to keep spritually clean in EVERY way, or we will be disapproved by Jesus himself. Even in comparision of verses 46+51 that states that Jesus will come at a time that BOTH the "wise servent" and the "evil slave" will be not aware of. In comparasion to the scripture where The Most High Gods day will come as a "thief in the night", this clearly indecates that what will happen when Jesus arrives for that 1000yr reign is that he will put EVERYONE to sleep- no matter where they are in this world. Once this has been accomplished he will then either let the "birds in midheaven have their feast" (as recorded in Rev 19:17-19) literally or just to let these one return to dust. Then he will awaken those loyal ones finding out that Jesus has allready come while they were sleeping.